Thursday, September 29, 2011

Ch 5 Reading

So, first off, I didn't really find the whole "iceberg" model to be very helpful. You are basically just looking deeper at the article you are using in order to possibly find a more scientific sources. It is better to use more scientific resources because their facts hold more validity and can be considered true. Developing search terms will help me narrow down the articles that are coming in through my search. The information given about evaluating sources will be useful in determining the validity of the site I am using. I do not want to use some crappy blog or just a random person's opinion; I want to use the most verified sources I can to back up my argument. The better the sources I use, the better the persuasion of my point. I am not sure that field research will be a very good choice for the paper because it is all opinions and most of the people near me are the same ethnicity and around the same age. Perhaps interviews and anthropology professor or someone who studies evolution would be of assistance, but I doubt I will really use field research. The whole dialogue thing seems kind of dumb to be honest. I guess it could help, but it's not something I see myself putting time and effort into.

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